Business internet connectivity is a fundamental element in business communications. It’s how businesses connect, communicate, sell and maintain excellent customer relations. At Netpluz, we offer different enterprise-grade internet connectivity, such as Fibre Broadband, GPON, Ethernet and MetroEthernet.
For many brands, internet connectivity is the lifeblood of their company:
- Ecommerce sites lose sales every minute their website is down
- Cafés lose customers when their Wi-Fi hotspot isn’t available
- Businesses with data, technologies and services in the cloud lose many capabilities when their internet slows down
- …and many other service providers lose the ability to communicate and serve customers properly, if at all
Businesses need internet connectivity that is fast, reliable and always available – maintaining its capacity even during peak periods. Depending on your internet usage, we offer different grades of internet services, including Fibre Broadband, GPON, Ethernet and MetroEthernet.